
IRIS-SES Steering Committee in Athens

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The third steering committee meeting for the project ‘Integrated Regional monitoring Implementation Strategy in the South European Seas’ (IRIS -SES) will  take place on Tuesday 8 July 2014 in Athens. Isotech Ltd will be represented by Demetra Orthodoxou, who will provide an outline of the thus far progress and upcoming plans for the development and […]

The prospects of diving tourism in Cyprus

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This Friday, 27th June, Isotech’s Director Ms Xenia Loizidou will give a presentation on the prospects of diving tourism in Cyprus. Ms Loizidou will present at the Zenobia Week event “Developing a diving destination of excellence’, while representing the Cyprus Tourism Organisation. The event will take place at the Larnaka Municipal Historical Archives-Museum, located in […]

Creating artificial reefs

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This past Sunday (22nd June 2014) the boat Laboe was sunk, 2km off the coast of Yeroskipou Plaz, as part of the efforts to create artificial reefs around the island of Cyprus that will replenish the fish stock and increase revenues from diving tourism. Ms Xenia Loizidou, representing on this occasion the Cyprus Tourism Organisation, […]

MARLISCO as a best practice example of a lifecycle approach to marine litter

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The FP7 Science-in-Society project MARLISCO, of which Isotech Ltd is the lead partner in Cyprus, has been included as a best practice example of Implementing a lifecycle approach to marine litter in the recently published EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian macro-region action plan. To read the entire action plan click here. To find out more about […]

A presentation about marine litter

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Ms Xenia I. Loizidou, Civil and Coastal Engineer and ISOTECH’s directo, gives a very interesting and informative presentation about marine litter – sources, causes and effects – during the Cypriot MARLISCO Video Contest Awards held at the University of Nicosia on the 26th March 2014.

The MARLISCO Video Contest Winners Meet in Bremen!!

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      The winners of the MARLISCO Video Contest from all 14 participating countries will meet this weekend in Bremen! With the slogan ‘Bremen Here We Go!’  a group of over 110 students will participate in two days of events that are taking place in the German city that is rich in maritime history. […]

A Presentation on Addressing Marine Litter

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Isotech’s Demetra Orthodoxou is an invited speaker at the Mediterranean Conference on Combating Marine Litter in the Adriatic MacroRegion, which is organised by MIO-ECSDE within the framework of the DeFishGear Project. The Conference will take place on the 12th and 13th of May 2014 in Athens. Ms Orthodoxou will present MARLISCO’s collection of best practices […]

Xenia Loizidou at the GREINSUS Conference

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Isotech’s Director, Xenia I. Loizidou, was an invited speaker at the Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Societies/Cities (GREINSUS) Conference, which took place in Izmir, Turkey, between the 8th and 10th of May 2014. Ms Loizidou presented a paper entitled ‘Marine Litter and Best Practice: the MARLISCO Case for Enhancing Co-Responsibility‘ and also chaired the session on “Marine Sciences and […]

The winners of the MARLISCO Video Contest

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The MARLISCO Video Contest has finished and the winners have been announced: 1st Place: Atitlo PkP Bees (by Apostles Peter and Paul Lyceum, Limassol) 2nd Place: Καρναβάλι Σκουπιδιών (‘Carnival of Litter’ by St Charalambos Lyceum, Emba, Paphos) 3rd Place: Όλοι Μαζί (‘All Together’ by 1st Lyceum of Ethnarch Makarios III, Paphos) Honorary Mention for Music: […]