
Xenia Loizidou is a mentor for young entrepreneurs at the C4E

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As part of its mission, namely the fostering of a healthy entrepreneurial culture at the University of Cyprus and also the offering of high quality services and connections, the Centre for Entrepreneurship (C4E) aims to develop an extensive network of local and international mentors, willing to support the development of the entrepreneurial culture at the […]

Xenia Loizidou talks to InBusiness News about the Green Cluster Synergy Awards

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The importance of the upcoming Green Cluster Awards & Trade Fair was the topic of an interview that Xenia Loizidou gave to InBusiness News. Ms Loizidou spoke about the way in which the Green Cluster promotes synergies and collaboration between micro and nano enterprises in Cyprus, and how this is the first time that a competition that […]

ISOTECH is one of the first Cypriot companies to receive the ISO14001:2015 certification!

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We are very happy and proud to announce that ISOTECH has become one of the first companies in Cyprus to be certified as per the new standard ISO14001:2015. The 2015 version of the standard ensures that the company is increasingly intensifying its efforts with regards to environmental management. We have gladly accepted the challenge! ISOTECH has been […]

Article about ISOTECH’s Director Xenia Loizidou for the Bulgarian magazine “Economy”, August edition

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An article written by journalist Branislava Bobanats, in the August edition of the Bulgarian magazine “Economy”. The article looks at Ms Loizidou’s professional life, memberships and awards, including the recent “Iconic Women in Business Contributing to a Better World” Award that she received at the Women Economic Forum, held in New Delhi, India. You can read the […]

Xenia Loizidou’s interview for InBusiness

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ISOTECH’s Director, Xenia Loizidou, was invited to give an interview for InBusiness, and specifically for their Women in Business interview series,  where she spoke about her professional career, her role models, her thoughts on work-life balance and gave some advice about young women pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams. You can view the interview below (in Greek).

Xenia Loizidou’s Interview for Aglantzia Municipality’s Quartely Magazine

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Xenia Loizidou gave an interview for the 21st edition of the quarterly magazine published by Aglantzia Municipality called ‘Εν Δήμω Αγλαντζιάς’ (En Demo Aglantzias) on women in entrepreneurship and peacebuilding. In her interview, Ms Loizidou emphasises the importance of having more women in decision-making positions, both in business and in the peacebuilding process, through a system […]