
ISOTECH is a partner in the WECANet COST Action on Marine Renewable Energy

We are thrilled to announce that the project “WECANet: A pan-European Network for Marine Renewable Energy with a focus on Wave Energy”, in which ISOTECH is a partner, has been approved for funding under the prestigious COST Programme! The Action is expected to form the the first pan-European Network on an interdisciplinary marine wave energy […]

The SAVEMEDCOASTS project presented at the Civil Protection Forum on the 5th and 6th of March 2018, in Brussels,

Our SAVEMEDCOASTS project, was presented at the Civil Protection Forum in Brussels on the 5-6 March, 2018. Colleagues from INGV presented the project’s preliminary results. The European Commissioner for Civil Protection And Humanitarian Aid, Mr. Christos Stylianides who visited the SAVEMEDCOASTS Project’s booth, was very interested since only very few projects deal with the Sea […]

Κενή θέση Μηχανικού Περιβάλλοντος για άμεση πρόσληψη

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  • Posted by isotech
  • Category: News

Η εταιρεία Isotech Ltd Ερευνητές/Σύμβουλοι Μηχανικοί, σε συνεργασία με πολυεθνική κατασκευαστική εταιρεία που δραστηριοποιείται στο Κατάρ, ζητά για άμεση πρόσληψη Μηχανικό Περιβάλλοντος προς πλήρωση κενής θέσης σε εργοτάξια στο Κατάρ, με έναρξη απασχόλησης από  1η Μαρτίου 2018 και διετές συμβόλαιο. Προτεραιότητα θα δοθεί σε Πολιτικούς Μηχανικούς με ειδίκευση στην Μηχανική Περιβάλλοντος. Απαραίτητη η άριστη γνώση […]

ISOTECH’s environmental footprint has significantly decreased between 2016 and 2017!

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  • Posted by isotech
  • Category: News

At ISOTECH, we are very serious about our environmental performance, and strive to continuously minimise our environmental footprint. This is why every year we monitor a large set of indicators that allow us to check our progress and identify areas of improvement. The results for 2017 are particularly positive. Between 2016 and 2017, ISOTECH and […]

Xenia Loizidou Coordinated the Cyprus Agriculture Conference

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  • Posted by isotech
  • Category: News

ISOTECH’s Director, Xenia I. Loizidou, coordinated the Cyprus Agriculture Conference, which took place at Ktima Makenzy in Larnaca, on Friday 26 January 2018. Xenia also presented the COOP – Green Cluster, an innovative platform for small and nano-enterprises in Cyprus, which facilitates the development of synergistic relationships between its members as means of promoting growth, extroversion and […]