
A Presentation on Addressing Marine Litter

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Isotech’s Demetra Orthodoxou is an invited speaker at the Mediterranean Conference on Combating Marine Litter in the Adriatic MacroRegion, which is organised by MIO-ECSDE within the framework of the DeFishGear Project. The Conference will take place on the 12th and 13th of May 2014 in Athens. Ms Orthodoxou will present MARLISCO’s collection of best practices […]

Xenia Loizidou at the GREINSUS Conference

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Isotech’s Director, Xenia I. Loizidou, was an invited speaker at the Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Societies/Cities (GREINSUS) Conference, which took place in Izmir, Turkey, between the 8th and 10th of May 2014. Ms Loizidou presented a paper entitled ‘Marine Litter and Best Practice: the MARLISCO Case for Enhancing Co-Responsibility‘ and also chaired the session on “Marine Sciences and […]

The winners of the MARLISCO Video Contest

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The MARLISCO Video Contest has finished and the winners have been announced: 1st Place: Atitlo PkP Bees (by Apostles Peter and Paul Lyceum, Limassol) 2nd Place: Καρναβάλι Σκουπιδιών (‘Carnival of Litter’ by St Charalambos Lyceum, Emba, Paphos) 3rd Place: Όλοι Μαζί (‘All Together’ by 1st Lyceum of Ethnarch Makarios III, Paphos) Honorary Mention for Music: […]

Οι παραλίες του Παραλιμνίου

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Συζήτηση για τις παραλίες του Παραλιμνίου στην εκπομπή ‘Ανοιχτή Γραμμή’ μεταξύ της κ. Ξένιας Λοϊζίδου (Ακτομηχανικός), του κ. Χαράλαμπου Θεοπέμπτους (Λέκτωρας ΤΕΠΑΚ) και του κ. Θεόδωρου Πυρίλλη (Δήμαρχος Παραλιμνίου).    

Διάσκεψη Τύπου του Προέδρου του ΔΗΣΥ κ. Αβέρωφ Νεοφύτου και της κας Ξένιας Λοϊζίδου για θέματα «Γαλάζιας Ανάπτυξης»

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Σε διάσκεψη τύπου μεταξύ του προέδρου του Δημοκρατικού Συναγερμού κου Αβέρωφ Νεοφύτου και της κας Ξένιας Ι. Λοϊζίδου, Ακτομηχανικού και Διευθύντριας της Isotech Ltd, ανακοινώθηκε στις 31 Μαρτίου 2014, ότι η κα Λοϊζίδου αποδέχτηκε πρόταση συνεργασίας με τον ΔΗΣΥ, ως εμπερογνώμονας και σύμβουλος για θέματα Γαλάζιας Ανάπτυξης.

Online Hgs Bakiye yükleme

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Kredi kartı ile hgs yükleme hakkında çok yazı okudunuz biliyorum. Bugün sizler için yeniler de bankaların çıkardıgı ve insanlara çok katkısı olacak olan internet bankacılığı ile hgs bakiye yükleme işlemi hakkında kısa bilgi vermek istiyorum sizler eğer bu işlem nasıl yapılacak bilmiyorsanız bu yazıyı okumanızı tavsiye ediyorum. Daha olmadı internet bankacılığı ile hgs yükleme işlemi hakkında bankanızı arayarak […]

MARLISCO Video Contest

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In the MARLISCO Video Contest, which was implemented in 15 European countries, youngsters were asked to create a 2 minute video to show their views about marine litter. In Cyprus, the contest was open to youngsters between the ages of 16 and 18. These are the 9 finalists for the MARLISCO Video Contest in Cyprus. […]