Project Description
Mediterranean islands are heavily dependent on the shipping industry, not only because of the industry’s contribution to the islands’ economies but also because these islands depend heavily on shipping for goods and trade. However, while considerable attention has been devoted to decarbonization initiatives, work focusing on waste minimization and optimization of waste management practices remains sparse. As the maritime industry navigates towards greater sustainability, addressing waste management practices becomes paramount. Sustainability and reporting are necessary to create value and growth opportunities for the shipping industry. Achieving sustainability goals necessitates not only stringent adherence to regulatory requirements but also proactive efforts to minimize waste generation and optimize waste management processes.
Coordination and communication among the key bodies involved in waste management, including state authorities such as port authorities, ship management companies, waste management companies and agents is instrumental to ensuring that there is in place an effective waste management system, both on board and at ports. This coordination should be coupled with high-level, public commitment for making ports greener and increasingly more circular. This project will capitalise on the work undertaken through two BeMed-funded projects initiated and implemented by ISOTECH Ltd and engage more Mediterranean island ports through a participatory process towards the development of a Joint Action Plan for Green and Circular Mediterranean Ports.
The project’s overall objective is to foster partnerships and collaboration within the shipping industry and ports on key Mediterranean islands, and in so doing to lead to a joint commitment to the growth of greener and more circular ports through the implementation of environmentally and economically sustainable solutions on vessels and at port reception facilities. To achieve this overall objective three specific objectives must be met. The first is to understand the gaps and needs that key Mediterranean island ports are facing regarding waste management and circularity as well as the perceived measures through which to bridge these gaps/needs. This will be achieved through site visits to at least 3 Mediterranean island ports and the implementation of face-to-face or virtual semi-structured interviews with at least 20 stakeholders from 5 Mediterranean island ports. The second specific objective is to develop the Joint Action Plan for Green and Circular Mediterranean Ports and to announce this during the celebrations for the European Maritime Day 2026, which will be held in Cyprus as part of Cyprus’s EU Presidency. The Joint Action Plan for Green and Circular Mediterranean Island Ports will be co-developed with the involved stakeholders during a dedicated workshop that will be held in Cyprus with participants from 5 Mediterranean island ports. Finally, the project’s third specific objective is to spread the word and raise awareness about the project, its funding and its successes to as wide an audience as possible through the development and implementation of an engaging and comprehensive communication and dissemination strategy and plan
Project Details
Duration: 01 February 2025 – 31 July 2026
Funded By: The Project benefits from the support of Beyond Plastic Med (