The SEALIVE Brokerage Event navigated the bioplastic horizon!

The SEALIVE Project concluded its journey with its Final Brokerage Event on March 7th, 2024, in Valencia, Spain, organized by the Cypriot environmental research and consultancy ISOTECH Ltd. Held at the historic building of Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia, this event brought together 64 industry representatives from 15 countries across Europe spanning bioplastics, agriculture, fishing, packaging, food, chemicals and sustainability industries. The event aimed to showcase the groundbreaking advancements in biobased and biodegradable plastic products developed by SEALIVE.
Participants delved deep into SEALIVE’s innovations through insightful sessions and panel discussions demonstrating the project’s journey from materials to final products. The first session, “SEALIVE’s Final Products: The Journey from the Lab to the Industry,” explored the formulation of innovative bioplastic materials for SEALIVE products. The second session, “Implementation by the Industry,” featured industrial partners utilising the developed materials to create products for fishing, aquaculture, agriculture, and packaging with novel end-of-life characteristics, while the final session, “End-user Experience from Pilot Testing of the SEALIVE Products” shared key findings from end-users who tested the products, bringing to light the practical impact of SEALIVE’s innovations.
Throughout the Brokerage Event, attendees explored the interactive exhibition featuring SEALIVE’s innovative products, including rigid food containers, flexible packaging for deep-frozen applications, reusable cutlery, agricultural mulch films, flexible packaging for sea applications, fish crates, fishing nets and aquaculture mesh bags. The event offered ample opportunities for discussions and networking between the participants and the project partners and was crowned with great success as attendees indicated a strong inclination towards future collaborations.
More information:
The SEALIVE (Strategies of circular economy and advanced biobased solutions to keep our lands and seas alive from plastics contamination) project is a Research and Innovation Project funded by the European Union through Horizon 2020 (under grant agreement No 862910). The project involves 28 partners from 13 different countries.
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