
The DeCyDe-4-IRIS East Mediterranean Workshop

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  • Category: News

Isotech Ltd is developing the DeCyDe-4-IRIS tool, within the framework of project IRIS-SES ‘Integrated Regional Monitoring Implementation Strategy in the South European Seas’, in order to assist in the decision making regarding the integrated regional monitoring for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).

On Friday, 24 October 2014, the first DeCyDe-4-IRIS Regional Stakeholder Workshop, with participants from Cyprus, Greece and Turkey was implemented in Athens. During the event, the participants, who represented decision makers and authorities involved with the MSFD monitoring, implemented the DeCyDe-4-IRIS self-assessment tool, discussed their monitoring gaps and needs and identified opportunities for collaboration.

The outputs from this, and the other two Regional Stakeholder Workshops that will be implemented within IRIS-SES, will be incorporated in an official report to be presented to the European Commission, and specifically DG Environment.

Below, you can see some photographs from the Workshop: