Recap of the #SEALIVE Knowledge Transfer Event in Bulgaria

Exciting News! The video of the fourth #SEALIVE knowledge transfer event in Bulgaria is now LIVE!
On November 3, 2023, the “Biobased Plastics for Marine and Terrestrial Applications” event at the Graffit Gallery Hotel in Varna marked a successful conclusion.
Organized by Isotech Ltd and AKTI Project and Research Centre from Cyprus, this event was not just about showcasing eight remarkable biobased products but fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration opportunities.
Watch the video here!
Bulgaria is the fourth stop on this inspiring journey, with Malta set to host the final event.
More information:
The SEALIVE (Strategies of circular economy and advanced biobased solutions to keep our lands and seas alive from plastics contamination) project is a Research and Innovation Project funded by the European Union through Horizon 2020 (under grant agreement No 862910). The project involves 28 partners from 13 different countries. More information about the project is available at
This output reflects only the author’s views and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
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