KICK-OFF meeting of SAVEMEDCOASTS 2 in Rome

ISOTECH was present in the kick-off meeting of the EU project SAVEMEDCOASTS 2 that is co-funded by the European Commission, under the DG ECHO programme.
The meeting took place in Rome, Italy on January 15, 2020. The project partners got together to discuss the development process, promotion and quality assurance of the project in the best possible way as well as upcoming deadlines for the various deliverables. ISOTECH, as the leader of the Stakeholder Analysis action plan, presented the methodology and tools that will be used for the mapping and consultation process with key stakeholders at the targeted sites.
The SAVEMEDCOASTS 2 project is a continuation of the first SAVEMEDCOASTS project. The aim of the project is to integrate climate change scenarios into disaster risk assessment and disaster risk management of the most exposed rivers, deltas, lagoons of the Mediterranean Region.
The project includes 8 partners from 4 European Countries (Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Spain) and has a duration of 2 years.
➡More info about the project: