ISOTECH’s Research Team delivers its first training on SEALIVE’s bio-based, industrially compostable and biodegradable fishing nets

The first of a series of trainings was delivered by the research team of ISOTECH Ltd, on 8th February 2023, for the 10 professional Cypriot fishers who will pilot test the fishing nets developed by the SEALIVE Project.
Bio-based, industrially compostable and biodegradable fishing nets are one of the demonstrators that have been developed by the SEALIVE project, as they can become one of the solutions for addressing the dire problem of “ghost fishing” caused by inappropriately disposed of or accidentally lost fishing nets that persist in the marine environment.
The SEALIVE fishing nets will be tested for 12 months in the waters of the Mediterranean island of Cyprus by 10 professional fishers, who will provide monthly feedback to the research team at ISOTECH Ltd, the SEALIVE partners coordinating this demonstration.
Further information about the fishing net demonstration, and the other demonstrations implemented through SEALIVE, can be found on the project’s website.