Dr Xenia I. Loizidou: Steering EU-CONEXUS as Advisory Board Member!

In a recent development, Isotech’s Ltd Director Dr. Xenia I. Loizidou has assumed a critical role as a Member of the External Advisory Board at EU-CONEXUS. Dr. Loizidou’s impactful leadership and expertise play a crucial role in driving this ambitious initiative forward.
Discovering EU-CONEXUS: Shaping the Future of Sustainability
EU-CONEXUS European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability, stands as a transformative alliance among nine universities dedicated to elevating science and innovation into a hub of excellence on Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (SmUCS). Beyond academic pursuits, EU-CONEXUS actively promotes European values and identity, uniting a new generation of European citizens. The alliance pioneers a distinctive approach to studying and researching, emphasizing institutional alignment and seamless mobility for all.
The Role of the External Advisory Board: Guiding Excellence
At the heart of EU-CONEXUS is the External Advisory Board, with Dr. Xenia I. Loizidou contributing significantly to its mission. This board is building on the advisory structure and methodology set up in the statutes of the EAB, reviewing general progress reports, issuing strategic recommendations, and providing overarching guidance for the Alliance’s development.
EU-CONEXUS Wrap-Up Conference
The EU-CONEXUS Wrap-Up Conference is underway today November 15th 2023, featuring a crucial External Advisory Board Input Session from 16:30 to 17:15 at the University of Rostock. For direct access to this engaging event, online participants can join in here .Explore the detailed program overview here.