ActionMed 2nd Sub-regional Workshop titled “Towards Common Measures for GES in the Mediterranean” Successfully Led by ISOTECH
A very successful stakeholder workshop was organised and implemented by ISOTECH Ltd, on November 3rd, 2016, in Nicosia, within the framework of the ActionMed project. The aim of the workshop was to bring together decision-makers from Cyprus, Malta and Greece to discuss and agree on common measures that could be implemented in each of their countries, in response to the Programmes of Measures of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
Fifteen stakeholders, governmental officials and MSFD experts met in Nicosia, where they were guided by ISOTECH Ltd, using its DeCyDe-4 method, towards the identification of common measures for Descriptors 5 (eutrophication), 8 (contaminants), 9 (contaminants in seafood) and 10 (marine litter).
This was the third workshop led by ISOTECH within the framework of the ActionMed Project. The first was organised in Piran, Slovenia in July 2016 as a sub-regional workshop between three countries in the Adriatic (Italy, Croatia and Slovenia), whereas the second took place in Greece on October 11th, as a national workshop, assisting Greek policy-makers in the development of their Programmes of Measures. The outcomes and conclusions from all three workshops will be submitted to the European Commission through a comprehensive report to be prepared by ISOTECH.