Demetra Petsa
Demetra Petsa is a graduate of the National Technical University of Athens (BSc Applied Physics, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences) and of the University of Cyprus (MSc Environmental Engineering). Her field of studies allowed her to have a deep understanding of urban physics with a focus in the urban build environment and energy efficiency. Since joining ISOTECH Demetra has developed experience in Environmental Impact Assessments, Community Annoyance and Noise Assessment Studies. She has also been involved in the development of Environmental Management Plans and Waste Management Action Plans as well as the management and implementation of EU funded applied environmental research projects. Along with the rest of ISOTECH’s team Demetra has been actively engaged in decision-support, awareness-raising, and educational activities focused on environmental issues and sustainable development.
Prior to joining she was a Scientific Officer at Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation where she was the Project Officer of several national and transnational funding programmes.
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