International Conferences / Journals

Methodologies to support coastal management – A stakeholder preference and planning tool and its application

Marine Policy, Volume 94, August 2018, Pages 150–157 Abstract: Stakeholder involvement plays a crucial role within Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) and is considered beneficial for gaining trust and knowledge and reducing conflicts. Nevertheless, disagreement and opposition among stakeholders and lack of manager experiences in participatory approaches have caused delays in ICM processes. A major challenge is […]

Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Innovative and participatory decision-making method for the identification of common measures in the Mediterranean [in Marine Policy]

Marine Policy, Volume 84, July 2017, Pages 82–89,714MVC~Z Abstract: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is the European Commission’s flagship initiative for the protection of the European Seas, and the first holistic approach to ensuring that European Seas reach and are maintained at what is called a ‘Good Environmental Status’ by the year 2020. […]

Decision-Support in Waste Management: The DeCyDe-4-Sustainability Case

A paper by Xenia I. Loizidou and Michael I. Loizides, presented at the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management, CYPRUS 2016. Abstract: The factors that influence public policy decision making are becoming increasingly numerous and complicated and there is a recognized need to move away from a purely conceptual and theoretical approach to a […]

Marine strategy framework directive: Defining joint monitoring opportunities for the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea, through dedicated decision making workshops and innovative policy tools [in Marine Policy]

Marine Policy, Volume 67, May 2016, Pages 76–82 doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.02.007 Abstract: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is an important milestone for the preservation of the European marine environment. However, Member States can find its monitoring requirements challenging, particularly where it regards the definition and implementation of joint monitoring programmes between neighbouring countries. The challenges are even […]

Enhancing public awareness and promoting co-responsibility for marine litter in Europe: The challenge of MARLISCO [in Marine Pollution Bulletin]

Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 102, Issue 2, pp. 309-315 A paper co-authored by ISOTECH staff on the methods implemented by the MARLISCO project in order to promote co-responsibility and enhance public awareness about the issue of marine litter. Abstract: Marine litter is a pervasive and complex societal problem but has no simple solution. Inadequate practices […]

Marine strategy framework directive: Defining joint monitoring opportunities for the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea, through dedicated decision making workshops and innovative policy tools

An article authored by ISOTECH staff, on the decisions taken regarding the MSFD joint monitoring in two regional workshops implementing the DeCyDe-4 methodology, has been published in Marine Policy. Abstract: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is an important milestone for the preservation of the European marine environment. However, Member States can find its monitoring requirements […]

A novel best practice approach: The MARLISCO case [in Marine Pollution Bulletin]

Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 88, Issues 1–2, 15 November 2014, Pages 118–128 doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.09.015 Abstract: Research that was undertaken to identify and evaluate best practices that can effectively minimise the amount of marine litter in European Seas is presented. Best practices were approached in a novel way that aimed to maximise the impact and added value of […]

Coastal adaptation to climate changes through an Integrated Coastal Zone Management approach: from theory to practice

Presented at the ADAPTtoCLIMATE International Conference, 27-28 March 2014, Nicosia, Cyprus By: Xenia I. Loizidou and Michael I. Loizides Abstract Some of the major issues within an ICZM concept, including climate changing parameters, seek answers to the following questions: how to allocate coastal resources in order to maximize their efficiency, how to assess the impact […]

Marine Litter and Best Practices: the MARLISCO Case for Enhancing Social Co-Responsibility

Presented at the GreInSus 14 The International Congress on Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Societies/ Cities, May 8-10, 2014, Izmir, Turkey By: Xenia I. Loizidou, Michael I. Loizides and Demetra Orthodoxou Abstract Marine litter is a key threat to marine habitats, economic and social wellbeing.The research, conducted within the framework of the FP-7 funded project MARLISCO […]

Best practices for reducing marine litter and promoting co-responsibility and social awareness: the MARLISCO experience

Presented at the 10th World Wilderness Congress (WILD 10), 4-10 October 2013, Salamanca, Spain By: Demetra Orthodoxou, Xenia I. Loizidou and Michael I. Loizides MARLISCO ‘MARine Litter in Europe Seas: Social AwarenesS and CO-Responsibility’, is an FP-7 funded project that aims to develop and evaluate an approach that can be used to address the problems […]