
Interview of the SAVEMEDCOAST project coordinator Marco Anzidei on Sea Level Rise

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  • Posted by isotech
  • Category: News

The SAVEMEDCOASTS coordinator  Marco Anzidei talks about the project activities, Sea level rise and land subsidence at Lipari island (Italy) in an interview for “Notiziario delle Eolie” by Bartolino Leone. Lipari is one of the tests sites of the project, for which Sea Lever Rise scenarios and projections have been created to provide input on […]

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  • Posted by isotech
  • Category: News

SAVEMEDCOASTS Partners from CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Action) in Italy, talk about their role in the project, including the assessment of the coastal areas vulnerability and risk related to Sea Level Rise and extreme storm surges and the direct and indirect economic impacts of coastal flood risk and Sea Level Rise scenarios on vulnerable coastal […]

SAVEMEDCOASTs Final Conference in Rome

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  • Posted by isotech
  • Category: News

Isotech’s team was in Rome, presenting at the final conference of the Savemedcoasts project. Results from the stakeholder mapping, analysis and engagement it undertook as well as the DeCyDe-4-SLR method that it implemented, were presented to an audience of key stakeholders, as well as the Project Officer of DG ECHO Mr Liasides

Field Trip Workshop on Blue Entrepreneurship with Xenia Loizidou and the C4E

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  • Posted by isotech
  • Category: News

As part of its Entrepreneurs in Residence programme for the fall semester 2018, the Centre for Entrepreneurship (C4E) of the University of Cyprus is organising a field trip workshop on 7 November 2018 to Limassol Harbour and Limassol Marina. The workshop will be led by ISOTECH’s Director, Xenia I. Loizidou. The Programme is as follows: […]

SAVEMEDCOASTs Stakeholder Participatory Workshop in Rome

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  • Posted by isotech
  • Category: News

Isotech’s team organised a stakeholders participatory workshop in Rome on the 18th of October 2018, in the frame of the SAVEMEDCOASTS project The workshop aimed to enable key actors from areas identified as vulnerable due to Sea Level Rise and floods, to assess the risk their area is under and to come up with mitigation […]

ISOTECH’s ISO 14001:2015 Certification Renewed!

Environmental protection is at the core of ISOTECH’s philosophy, and we strive towards the continuous reduction of our environmental footprint. We are therefore very happy to announce that we have received our renewed certificates from IQ NET and CYS, for ISO 14001:2015. ISOTECH implements the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System for: – Applied environmental research […]

SAVEMEDCOASTS meets the stakeholders in Lefkada

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  • Posted by isotech
  • Category: News

Stakeholders in Lefkada were engaged in a decision making process (DeCyDe-4-SLR) to discuss risks, gaps and needs with regards to Sea Level Rise (SLR) and extreme storm surges. The workshop aimed to enable local key actors to evaluate their area, and come up with customized local mitigation adaptation measures. The discussion resulted in identifying the […]

ISOTECH will facilitate a Stakeholders’ Workshop on Sea Lever Rise in Lefkada on the 27th of September

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  • Posted by isotech
  • Category: News

Isotech in collaboration with PED IN is organising on the 27th of September, a stakeholders’ Participatory Workshop in Lefkada to discuss about Sea Lever Rise and how the phenonomenon is affecting vulnerable areas of the island. Several key actors and decision makers from the local area have been invited and will be asked to identify […]

Cypriot Workshop on Measures to Address the Impacts of Sea Level Rise Successfully Completed

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  • Posted by isotech
  • Category: News

The first of a series of three workshops involving key actors in a participatory process resulting in the determination and ranking of measures to address the impacts of sea level rise was successfully completed today in Nicosia, Cyprus. Today’s workshop, implemented by ISOTECH within the framework of the SaveMedCoasts project, was co-organised by the Technical […]

Xenia Loizidou in C4E’s “Entrepreneurs in Residence” Programme

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  • Posted by isotech
  • Category: News

The Centre for Entrepreneurship of the University of Cyprus announced its Fall 2018 “Entrepreneurs in Residence” programme. “Entrepreneurs in Residence” (EIR)  focuses on mentorship and networking and seeks to inspire students, researchers and faculty, to learn from and connect with eminent innovators and entrepreneurs. ISOTECH’s Xenia I. Loizidou, will be one of the four Entrepreneurs […]