
New publication from our team!

We are thrilled to share our new article, fresh off the press of Springer’s Environment Systems and Decisions Journal. Entitled “A community-based approach for site-specific policies and solutions on marine litter: the example of Paphos, Cyprus” the paper presents how the  DeCyDe-4 method, which is based on a participatory decision-support concept, can develop community-based policy tools and action […]

A community-based approach for site-specific policies and solutions on marine litter: the example of Paphos, Cyprus

Environmental Systems and Decisions 2020, in-print (online first) Abstract: We are living in the ‘plasticene’ era. Marine plastic pollution is a global problem, and increasing effort and funds are being invested towards identifying and implementing solutions. It is well accepted that the implemented solutions should take into account local specificities and culture, which requires the involvement […]

Cruise Ships Against Plastic Pollution in the Mediterranean!

#BeMed Thank you #Cyprus_Shipping_Chamber for meeting with us and for your willingness to support this initiative. We look forward to having more targeted meetings with stakeholders in Cyprus soon. Watch this space! The initiative benefits from the support of Beyond Plastic Med – BeMed (  

The first Cypriot to become a Member of the UN’s International Expert Compliance Committee for the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols, Dr Xenia Loizidou (gr)

Μέλος της Διεθνούς Επιτροπής Ειδικών του ΟΗΕ για τη Σύμβαση της Βαρκελώνης εξελέγη η Δρ. Ξένια Λοϊζίδου   Σημαντική τιμητική διάκριση αποτελεί για την Κύπρο η εκλογή της Δρ. Ξένιας Ι. Λοϊζίδου, ως Μέλος της Διεθνούς Επιτροπής των Ειδικών για τον έλεγχο Συμμόρφωσης των δράσεων των Κρατών/συμβαλλόμενων μερών με τις Πρόνοιες και τα Πρωτόκολλα της […]

Cruise Ships Against Plastic Pollution in the Mediterranean

  The Initiative, which is supported and endorsed by the Cypriot Deputy Ministry of Shipping, will provide a holistic solution-oriented approach for the minimisation of marine plastic pollution and its consequences to human health, marine environment and coastal tourism, targeting shipping industry, and more specifically cruise ships. The overall objective is to build capacity and […]

ISO14001 training at our office

We take the environment very seriously, both outside and inside the office. Last month we had an ISO14001 training at our office, by ISOTECH’s Michalis Loizides and Demetra Orthodoxou. Staff learned about our environment, health and safety goals and were trained on how to contribute to their achievement. Thanks everyone for participating. Let’s start the […]


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Our Director Dr Xenia Loizidou will deliver a speech at the event entitled “Marine Biodiversity and Pollution in the seas of Cyprus”, as the Ambassador of the Mediterranean Coasts. The event will take place at the Semeli Hotel in Nicosia on January 30 at 6:30 pm.