
X.I.Loizidou, co-Director of ISOTECH participated in SUSTAIN partners meeting in Teramo-Italy, 28-31 March 2011

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X.I.Loizidou, co-Director of ISOTECH participated in SUSTAIN partners meeting in Teramo-Italy, 28-31 March 2011. Mrs Loizidou presented a “score system” tool that has been developed by ISOTECH, o the partners for assessing sustainability process of Local Authorities. The tool was recived by SUSTAIN partners very positively and its implementation in SUSTAIN will be investigated in […]

Director of ISOTECH, Dr M.I. Loizides gave a lecture on compost, the 23rd February 2011, at Kouklia in Pafos

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The workshop on compost was organised by the Communtiy Council of Kouklia.  Representatives from Local Authorities, the Ministry of Agriculture, journalists, developers as well as citizens attended the workshop. Dr Loizides was the central speaker. Compost is the solution for Cyprus, he stated. The new home- composter, which is developed by Dr Loizides after a  15 […]

Dr M. I. Loizides, Director of ISOTECH Ltd, participated and present a paper on “LitusGo- vocational training for ICZM and climate changes” in the Conference «Top-biodiversity, Cyprus 2010”, 2-4 June 2010, Larnaka

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Dr M. I. Loizides, Director of ISOTECH Ltd, participated and present a paper on “LitusGo- vocational training for ICZM and climate changes” in the Conference «Top-biodiversity, Cyprus 2010”, 2-4 June 2010, Larnaka. Top Biodiversity is the first international conference in Cyprus on biodiversity issues. The paper on LitusGo was accepted by a peer committee and […]